Tobias Harrison Painter
I might work on an idea for a painting for over a year, sketching until I feel I have a strong enough composition. Then I will get a model to pose for a detailed drawing. It is never quite the same as I imagined. . I prefer not to use photographs finding they only capture one exact moment, rather studying a live person who naturally varies from moment to moment as does my view.I transfer the design in white chalk on to a hardboard panel I have primed with 5 coats of grey acrylic primer.
With the model I start trying to establish the lightest and darkest areas of the body and complete the outline. I keep the tone slightly lighter than I intend it to eventually be.
The hardest part is knowing when to stop and not thinking about things you would have done differently. But there is always the next picture. I use oil paint from various manufactures mainly Tarlens & Chervin, continually looking for the best colour and texture. For brushes I use synthetic cats tongue 8 to 12. Round pointed 2 & 4 for detail. Hog hair stipplers, old sable & pony hair pastel brushes for blending. I only paint in natural northern light.
I might work on an idea for a painting for over a year, sketching until I feel I have a strong enough composition. Then I will get a model to pose for a detailed drawing. It is never quite the same as I imagined. . I prefer not to use photographs finding they only capture one exact moment, rather studying a live person who naturally varies from moment to moment as does my view.I transfer the design in white chalk on to a hardboard panel I have primed with 5 coats of grey acrylic primer.